Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Who is a “Woodsman”, what is a “Journal” and why should I read this Blog?

A woodsman is, to use the words of The Century Dictionary (1895), “One who dwells in or frequents the woods, as a wood-cutter, sportsman, hunter, or the like” and Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, defines a woodsman as "one who lives in or frequents a forest: an expert in the arts and skills of living or travelling in the woods".  Therefore, this Blog is for those of you who spend time in the woods or who would like to spend time in the woods and want to know more about woodcraft, camping and survival.

The word journal and journey come from the same early French word, jour, which is derived from the Latin dies, and relates to a day’s events and a day’s travels.  In fact, Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language (1839), defines a journal as “a diary, an account kept of daily transactions; any paper published daily” and a journey as “the travel of a day; travel by land, distinguished from a voyage or travel by sea; a passage from place to place”.  This Blog is a journal, because a good blog is written regularly, if not daily, and because traveling through the woods and learning woodcraft and camping skills is a journey, which we will take together. 

There is a lot written about woodcraft, survival and camping, so why should you read this Blog?  Ten years ago, my oldest son challenged me, he wanted to become active in Boy Scouts, camping and 18th century re-enacting, and while I had always been interested in camping, survival and history and had spent a lot of time canoeing, camping and doing things in the woods, teaching is an entirely different kettle of fish!  I knew what I knew and I knew I needed to know more to become an excellent teacher.  So, I began to read and research everything I could find on the subject of woodcraft, camping and survival during the 18th century, the 19th and 20th centuries and the 21st century.  I had many questions that I found answers to and I thought that if I had questions then so must others.  I found that I enjoyed teaching and sharing my accumulated knowledge and I hope that by publishing the answers to my questions, it will help you the reader and that is why you should read my Blog.


William Dwight Whitney, Ph.D., The Century Dictionary, Vol VIII, (New York: Century Co., New York, 1895) p 6969. Reprinted in (accessed 8/27/18)

Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, Vol. I to III, (Merriam-Webster Inc., 1986), 301-302 and 2631.

Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (London: John Williamson and Co., 1839) 545. Reprinted in (accessed 8/27/2018)