Sunday, September 1, 2024

...going on an adventure! ...going on a trip!©



I’m going on an adventure...going on a trip...going to the closet...going to grab my gear and split!1  So, this week I thought I would post a hard to find survival manual to, HERE, and now it is available to everyone.


Northern Survival was created in 1969, by the Canadian Education Division, Northern Administration Branch, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Resources, as a resource booklet for its “Practical Programs in Industrial Arts and Related Activities” series.  In 1979 it was republished, again as Northern Survival, but in a substantially different format, which is much more available.


I would like to thank Thomas V. for originally sending me a copy of this hard to find document, five years ago.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

 I hope that you enjoy learning from this resource!  To help me to continue to provide valuable free content, please consider showing your appreciation by leaving a donation HERE.  Thank you and Happy Trails!

I hope that you continue to enjoy The Woodsman’s Journal Online and look for me on YouTube at BandanaMan Productions for other related videos, HERE.  Don’t forget to follow me on both The Woodsman’s Journal Online, HERE, and subscribe to BandanaMan Productions on YouTube.  If you have questions, as always, feel free to leave a comment on either site.  I announce new articles on Facebook at Eric Reynolds, on Instagram at bandanamanaproductions, and on VK at Eric Reynolds, so watch for me.


That is all for now, and as always, until next time, Happy Trails!





1 My apologies to Zaboomafoo, however when my kids were younger, I watched that show,  which is a good show, a lot!

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